I thought it was appropriate for the first post of this new blog to be what have become my signature images. Say hello to one of Nature's most elusive cats, the Lynx. Many wildlife photographers go their entire careers without ever seeing one of these rare animals due to their small size and natural shyness. Just about every photo of a lynx has been taken in a captive setting or on a game farm. I had the good fortune to catch site of this wild lynx while shooting in Denali National Park, Alaska with Jim Brandenburg. We observed this lynx for a few hours stalking birds and ducks around this small pond. After loosing sight of it for quite some time, we decided to change positions and focus on these ducks you see below with the hope that it was headed for them. Just a split second after setting up and focusing on the ducks came this amazing predation scene. The following sequence of images was my reward.
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